Refund & Return Policy

How can I return a product?

We offer a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. Please note that products must be returned in the original packaging and shipped within 30 days of delivery or 40 days of purchase. If you want to return it, please contact us by email(, We will refund you promptly and provide you with a free return label.

What if I received damaged or incorrect merchandise?

In the event that you receive defective, incorrect or incomplete merchandise, please contact us right away so we can make it right. For faster assistance with a return or exchange , please email us with your order number, contact information and photos documenting damages (if applicable). Please retain all items and packaging materials until your problem is resolved. If your replacement item is back-ordered or out of stock, we’ll notify you as soon as we have the estimated arrival date, or we may work with you to suggest a suitable replacement.